Thursday, May 27, 2010

It's Official...

I'm registered and ready to go.
Classes start June 21st...

I'm finally doing what I've put off for so long...
Going back to school.
I'm excited and ready to go.



  1. Oh Nora, I'm so proud of you! I've had the worst two weeks of my life. I thought I was past all of the heartbreak and the unthinkable happened and I suffered a set back I did not see coming. This post has inspired me to get back on the horse :)
    Blessings to you, praying for you!

  2. That is great. I am in the middle of my Master's degree, well actually only 3 classes left after my two week summer class that I start today.

    Good luck, what is your major??

  3. That is so great! I went back to school at 38 & loved every minute of it...took til 2004 to graduate...guess I was in the slow lane but I loved every minute...just about straight As...& became a college dj & writer & grew in so many wishes...sometimes the first step is the hardest! Jennifer aqka Gigi


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