It has been way too long my friends....
I apologize for being MIA but I've been overwhelmed with work and life.
I'm not going to lie and say that everything has been great,
but I will say that once you've been in some deep dark valleys the sunshine feels that much warmer.
I've always been a firm believer that everything happens for a reason,
but I know there are days when that is hard to see as a truth.
I have been there...
I have had those dark days when I couldn't see further than the teardrops and pain...
I've had those days where I felt stuck and didn't think I could handle one more thing...
But I've also come through that and am standing and here to say that I am genuinely happy.
There is life beyond the tears,
There is life beyond the pain,
There is life greater than you ever imagined....
I am thankful for the trials,
For without the rain, you can't appreciate the sun...
Cling on, press forward, and look for the rainbow.
I promise there are brighter days ahead.
"I know God will not give me anything I can not handle, sometimes I just wish He didn't trust me so much."
-Mother Teresa
image via weheartit